I just watched the first two, AWESOME episodes.
The new kids are amazing; billionaire dude did have a weird mouth, and the short vietnamese girl gave me hope.
[I guess you can get somewhere with your voice - even if you're a hobbit.]
Lea michele looks fantastic. The second season is more interesting than the first. And the songs they're covering just get better and better. Weeeeeeeeeeee!
I love glee. Its one of my favourite TV shows. Not only because of the amazing music - Okay maybe only because of the incredible new versions of so many songs that they've managed to make but, also because they kinda show people as they are.
No-ones perfect you know? Everyones insecure. Everyones flawed.
Everyone has to go through some really tough times.
Its like chicken soup for the soul, only the chickens been given a mike this time.. and its cockadiddledooing its way upto broadway.
^ That was weird.
Anyway the third episode is about something Im not very keen of even writing about.
No, not Justin Bieber,
I'm sorry, but its bullshit. This whole thing we've got going on about someone "upstairs" looking after us, making all the right choices for us;
Its complete rubbish. Its just peoples way of feeling better about the fact that they're going to die one day.
A while ago, I really liked someone. The guy I liked was very religious, maybe because his mom was religious.
I saw alot of his world, I was opened upto more than I could ever have imagined.
I saw so many people coming together, they seemed to be happy, happier than me.
I met a lady who looked at me and made me feel warm inside. I started to believe in appreciating the higher power, and taking better care of myself.
I had some of the best times of my life when I was with him.
More importantly though, I was infatuated by the whole situation going on up there.
But it lead to a disaster.
Being sixteen, stupid and messed up - just like all of us are - we made mistakes and we stopped talking.
That chapters over now, as much as I want to believe different.
But god?
Where were you when I looked for answers? When I felt alone at night? Begged for things to change?
Wasn't I suppose to have been feeling better about anything that went on in my life?
The argument for this is that "whatever happens, happens for the better."
Who the fucks to say I wouldn't have lived happily ever after?
All I know is that I was fooled into believing that you control things that happen down here, whereas what really happens is that we make our own choices, and our own mistakes.
There are things Ive done, which've lead to other things. There are certain positions I've been stuck in, and no matter WHAT I could've come up with, absolutely nothing would've helped me change things.
You did NOT help me. You made me feel like a jackass, actually.
For just one moment, you made me believe that if I came to you with my problems, you would make it all better.
You gave me false hope.
You made me want to mend my ways. I felt guilty for having hurt people in the past, but wait hold on a second, haven't they hurt me too?
And have they all been feeling the way I felt just then?
Hasn't EVERYONE made someone cry at some point? Its just human nature.
Also, if I sit down and count the number of times I looked up and prayed, and nothing changed, I'd have a sore ass.
You've been trying to morph us all into angels that poop butterflies and read bibles, and yet, you haven't been giving back for a million damn years.
But then again, thats not your fault. You don't exist.
You're like santa for adults.
Also, you make me want to gag.
Maybe Im just bitter right now, but that wont stop me from believing in one thing -
If you want to feel better, you have to change something by yourself.
Life's about trying your hardest to do just that, and then dealing with it and moving on to new things if it just doesnt work out.God this went so off topic. Go glee!