"Footprints in the Sand- that bloody poem that goes on about footprints in the sand. It’s about a person dreaming that one set of footprints is theirs and the other is the Lord’s. And then noticing that at the times in their life that have been the most difficult, there was only one set of footprints. They ask: ‘God, why did you desert me? And he goes: “That is when I carried you.’ When I hear that, I think,‘Come on God, don’t fuck me around. That’s conveinient- how come the footprints aren’t deeper then? ‘Cos you’d have been carrying my weight. And they’re not deeper, are they? How come one of those footprints has only got three toes? It’s a dinosaur footprint. And that one next to it is a cats paw. What’s been going on on this beach? Why is God at the beach anyway? With all the chaos? What the fuck is God doing on a holiday at a time like this?’"
Russell Brand taken from ‘My Booky Wook’