
Usually I have alot to look forward to, going to Disneyland being at the very top of my list. But recently nothings been very inspiring. Its like I've got writers block.
Sometimes you need something that'll wake you up every morning making you want to go-go. Something that'll give you hope. I've been told that I should have faith.
But in what?
Makes me want to quote Drew Barrymore from Music and Lyrics - "I need inspiration, not just another negotiation."
Strange Dreams

Last night I dreamt that we shifted to somewhere in South ex, a small rectangular white house with two HUGE gardens upfront and in the back. I think I was unhappy about it, but then slowly I realized that I would get -
a) A terrace. (Doesn't EVERYONE want a terrace?!)
b) Two gardens in DELHI.
c) Amazing smelling air, somehow.
Three things I don't have in my current house.
It was honestly beautiful. There was a fountain in the back. I was sitting alone at night time, staring at the stars... And everything smelt like perfume :|

Why doesn't anyone appreciate how amazing clouds are?
Theres a certain time of the year when they move incredibly fast... and watching them move like that makes me feel closer to a god that I don't believe in.
The first thing I do when I get out of my house is stare up to check if there are any at all. When there aren't any - I sulk for hours on end.
Sadly this makes sense to no-one :(

Blogging is a bit like writing in a diary - only its public... and so I wont be using names.
I've been thinking about someone for a while now. Its so difficult to get to know you, to get you to open up. Its so hard to know what you're really thinking.
But I think the reason you don't let anyone in is because you're scared you won't live upto their expectations - which are indeed, quite high.
I think you should be okay with it if you figure that people might not like you for who you really are. Life becomes alot easier after that. And I think you should get to know me. I know nothing about you, and it kills me everyday, because I really want to.

Sometimes you sit down trying to think about what kind of person you wanna be. Are you the funny guy, the smart guy? The relaxed guy, the intuitive guy? I've always wanted to be the girl who breaks the awkward silence. Its not very easy, but once you become that person, people are automatically drawn to you.
Its a talent, being good with people. Being funny.
Hello Cynic

When you don't like someone, either you can keep shut about it, or say it straight to their face. Either you can be diplomatic, or straightforward.
The thing with me is that I've always been straightforward. Maybe its for that reason, and that reason only that no-one usually has the guts to say anything to my face.
But recently that changed - and I realized how small you can make someone feel just by being blunt.
I respect myself and anyone else who cares enough to tell the truth - but sometimes being polite is just the way to go.
I'm going to mend my ways.
The 12thies
They're leaving. They're finally going. It hasn't hit me yet. And the amazing part about this is that I won't let it - even later. See, someone once gave me a brilliant bit of advice on dealing with problems.
Thats it. Just don't deal with it. Don't even think about it.
I've done this alot, and it actually works. Life goes on.
I suppose I like the people in my batch enough to stay happy for another year :)