Hello world.
This is just me - Ninja (My real name's too boring)
And this is how I deal with my problems.
Dad: You can start dating at 32.
Ninja: AHAA! YOU dated a girl when you were 16! I know this because I have contacts!
Bausch and Lomb
School batch: You kissed a girl. You are now an untouchable.
Ninja: AHAA! YOU think you're a 12th grader... but YOU are actually in preschool! Don't come too close or i'll kiss you too, a-goo-goo!
Bitch: I sent you a useless nasty messege on your mothers cell phone.
Ninja: AHAA! YOU thought I was bored enough to read your texts... but YOU were mistaken!
My mother finds you rather entertaining
Physics teacher: I am sorry to report that you've failed.
Ninja: AHAA! It isn't an 18, it's an 81! YOU thought you could total... but YOU were wrong! Face the wrath of my pencil box!
Metallic Stationary
Brother: I'm using the laptop, Ninja.
Ninja: AHAA! YOU thought you could boss me around... but YOU have just openly accepted me as your superior! Hand over the highly developed electronic device, fool, or face the wrath of my deadliest weapon yet - biodegradable toilet paper!
Seriously, what?
Boy: I'm publicly breaking up with you on facebook. It wasn't meant to be.
Ninja: AHAA! YOU thought you were capable of love... But YOU aren't even capable of ...well.. ROOOOBY DOOOBY DOOO! ;)