okay, so i should be studying.
the fact of the matter is, i should have STUDIED. like earlier, when the rest of the world was slogging, and i was procrastinating.
now my preboards are on, and uh, im still procrastinating.
have i ever mentioned that i abso-freaking-lutely loathe exams?
i loathe exams. despise them.
i miss the days back when we had freedom.
i miss sleepovers. raindances. holi. diwali. yahoo conferences. 12 hour phone calls.
{phone bills = dad having cow.} parties. birthdays. crushes. holidays. television.
simple, plainhearted, FUN.
and now its aaall about the grade.
no matter what i do, im always thinking about it.
i actually have to CHOSE between giving time to studies, and my music.
its beyond lame.
and plus i know i can do better. im just too lazy, i dont want to wake up yet.
another fact of the matter is, that if i cared enough to write this note.. then theres obviously still some goodness left.
i'll probably work for 10 hours a day and get a 95, what with my dad hawking me the way he has been lately. which is so not the point.
i don't like the system. i don't think that this is what we should be tested on.
i don't like school. any stupidfuck could read a book 20 times and ace a test.
i think learning is about other things, like.. life. god. salvation. music. love. religion. food. travelling around the world. experience. pain. discovery. ethics. philosophy. quantum physics. astronomy. research. memories. friendship. leadership. fixing lives. helping others. understanding of human nature. animals.
i dont see how such a mundane syllabus, filled with monotonous topics like "manufacturing industries" or "panchayati raj" can help me with any of that. Damn the thick-headed syllabus for the CBSCE zombie race. Damn the board examinations. I just want to feel like i'm sixteen, and enjoy my goddamn self.