{i hope oneday you feel as free as you did right then.}
so theres this girl i know.
whats funny about this, is that im blogging about someone i was destined to hate.
i met her through her husband to be.
messed that up, so it became her ex-boyfriend.
now I realise that he's messed up, and hence; the random ass.
moving on.
shes eighteen years old.
her life's a continuous series of DID-THAT-JUST-HAPPEN-TO-HER?'s.
shes been through so much. so much you can't even understand how much. sometimes her tolerance overwhelms me. othertimes, her childishness does. and SOMETIMES, so help me god, i want to murder her because of how stupid she is. but then theres something really, really lovely about her;
shes got the soul of a lion. shes just so, insanely strong.. that i just KNOW in the end she'll make it through.
then she smiles at me, and with such grace.. tells me she knows.