Thursday, July 21, 2011


...and we're back. not that i ever thought it'd come to this. oh well.
blog, if you had a name, would you be interested in being friends for a while?
not that i don't have any. not that i'm not absolutely content with my life.
because i am :)

it's just ...i'm bored.
i'm bored with people. not all of them, just most of them.
the people who i find interesting also happen to be the people i dislike/donot talk to usually. what a bust, right?
i'm just looking for a real conversation. someone to actually sit down and talk to, someone who gets exactly what i mean. without having them stomp all over my heart later.

summer times on its way to a close. i have to study alot this year.
priorities are all set straight. trust me, just because i've been procrastinating doesn't mean i've shut my eyes to the reality of my situation.
this is just something thats been on my mind. i suppose it'll be a while before i can do anything about it.

till then i'm flying solo. the funny thing is... i really do hate being alone but, on some level, spending time with myself is just... easier.